Saturday, March 5, 2011

Change and the human mind Pt 1.

They say that there are only two certainties in life change and death. I tend to agree. Death is more of an inevitability. Change on the other hand is more perception based.

But here I'm talking about change and the human mind. The perception of the change itself. On a broad spectrum there are only two perceptions. One set of people blatantly deny it and live their life in the so called 'ostrich mentality'. The other set live by it and eventually become the harbingers of change. But does this work?

I think not. I think change is more subtle. Subtle to the extent that you've done it and not even realised. Changed your schedule by 5 minutes. Stopped to talk to a person. That one thought about a person made you see them in a new light.

Some among you may argue that it isn't true change. If at all you can call it that. I beg to differ. THAT little change is everything. Everything comes down to the little moments of life. Stop and think about it. All those things were based around one word, one action or ONE thing. It could be the most mundane thing in the world. But in the big picture it can change the world. Needed just one man to go and make salt upon the beach. Right?


  1. Good perspective Adi! Something that is very contrary to the common understanding about 'change'. We tend to glorify 'change' and make it seem like its a revolution, an opposite strike to the compass needle, a different direction. It is made to seem big in all ways. But in reality, like you have brought it up beautifully :) it is the mundane and small changes which actually change!

    Nice one..really liked it :)

    P.S: And im happy to see this small good change in you, you are making it a point to blog regularly now..KIU!

  2. Isnt the subtlety of small changes the reason why we glorify it? Songs, books and movies have been dedicated to this idea. That one tiny change that turned their world around! Serendipity as the Optimists call it.

    Good work Mr. Rao. But you do need a little more structure in thought to present the idea better.

  3. Change is more a process I think. It might something subtle that triggers it, but it is more of a process that occurs after, which makes it Change.

    Very stream of consciousness writing me thinks!

  4. Well written.. accidentally came across this blog !
