Saturday, March 5, 2011

Change and the human mind Pt 1.

They say that there are only two certainties in life change and death. I tend to agree. Death is more of an inevitability. Change on the other hand is more perception based.

But here I'm talking about change and the human mind. The perception of the change itself. On a broad spectrum there are only two perceptions. One set of people blatantly deny it and live their life in the so called 'ostrich mentality'. The other set live by it and eventually become the harbingers of change. But does this work?

I think not. I think change is more subtle. Subtle to the extent that you've done it and not even realised. Changed your schedule by 5 minutes. Stopped to talk to a person. That one thought about a person made you see them in a new light.

Some among you may argue that it isn't true change. If at all you can call it that. I beg to differ. THAT little change is everything. Everything comes down to the little moments of life. Stop and think about it. All those things were based around one word, one action or ONE thing. It could be the most mundane thing in the world. But in the big picture it can change the world. Needed just one man to go and make salt upon the beach. Right?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Apocalyptica's one

Now many a post might have been written on this I wouldn't know because I didn't check.

I write it for the pure joy of reading this the next time I hear this song. so here goes apocalyptica's one.

First the song. Listen to it as you read. Yes it is long. But worth it all the same.

A little history: this is based on the original by metallica from the album '...and justice for all'

The song is about a prisoner of war soldier and his life and his plea for freedom from his opressors in the form of euthanasia. But this isn't about the original. The original by metallica is like a movie. Played before your eyes. Pointing to you every evil and detail. Vivid splashes of colour on a black shallow background. They (metallica) are true masters of an art of bringing music to life through their lyrics and mind bending riffs.

Apocalyptica's one is played on cellos alone. To most it may seem like a joke but it strangely is one of the most touching songs you will hear. Press play here.

If you've heard the original instantly you'd notice Its more-quiet, deep and intense. Like the opener. It sets the pace for you to follow. Bringing you slowly to the field. The Calm second bringing out the slow pain of the protagonist introducing you to him. Making you aware of him and every crest and peak as you will follow his journey through the war. It has a mellowness. Making you calm yet sad all at once.

Progressing through, the pace changes. It has a fleet footedness to it. Much like a warrior bringing you upto speed. Settling down once again to elaborate on his story. His morbid tale fraught with horrors one could never imagine. He narrates his bonechilling experiences with his opressors. And in a moment he asks for freedom. Until he realises all alone.

Pushing you to see what has become of him. It urges you to heed him. Begging pleading all the while.

Until he can see that the light to his tunnel is death itself. He prepares himself for the long journey. He is demanding for his death. As the life is his and his alone. The one thing that offers him solace from this harsh and dreary world as he is trapped in his mind. Left to his own thoughts. All by himself. A fate worse than solitary confinement as he has nothing but his mind about him.

His mind is rushing through his life. The war. The fighting. His capture. The torture. The unspeakable things they did. The last few deep rooted memories of pain. His last cry of anguish and plea for redemption. Preparing, flying away, he is making his way to the light. Even as his tormentors seek to drag him on. Just a little more.

Until he makes it. He is free. Happy and peaceful 'ONE' with the light. The music is gone. The story over.

Thanks for reading.
Aditya Rao