Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Well i did something i haven't done in the longest time the other day. I went shopping. Funny as it sounds when you hear a man say that well he enjoyed his spot of shopping. As it turns out i remembered my love for it.

I had gone with my bff to buy her BF some new stuff for his birthday. Well as it turns out there are upsides to it. Well for one i learnt that women need to understand how to get a guy to come shopping. Poor dude you have to understand most of the male race has grown up with solids, checks, stripes and dots.

So how do you get him to go shopping? Here's a quick pointer list.
1) Fill fuel. make sure he's well fed. otherwise he's gonna get cranky and want to shove off like a hungry bull.
2)Itenary: yup plan what you want to buy. it'll save you money and he'll be happy and take you where you want to go when you are specific. In fact he'll streamline it for you.
3) Time please. Yes that's right time your shopping.It will seriously make your life easier. As it turns out its a goal driven thing. If you cant find it in that time just leave. If you tell him how long you are gonna be and stick to it believe me you'll be a happy shopper. I once told a friend and a customer that he should tell her husband how long she wants to shop; turned out the next time around he doubled her saree bill. :-D
4)Do squeeze in extras. make sure you put the time to utmost use and make him feel a little wanted than just the chauffeur and bag carrier.
5) Opinions: My dear girl I said opinion not decision. the decision is yours but the opinion is nice to have.

Now now dont jump on me for being like this i was only trying to help. It is the easiest way. Think about it you can apply it to yourself too. Makes great sense and makes shopping more fun.

Well do let me know what you think and if this works for you :-D


  1. welll . ur BFF ?? u a powerpuff girl now ??
    im not a girl so im gonna end now :) funnily im talkin to u rite now :) :D

  2. goodness aadi, dat was wonderful. but dat doesnt mean im gonna follow it. the moment women start following ur guidelines v're gonna lose all our hard earned attention darling.
    so, u can anyday continue our output of suggestions but have no desire of we implementing it. we enjoy being WOMEN after all!!!

  3. My dear girl i never said that. what i said was please take an opinion but not his decision.. :-D that is the entire point of shopping!!

  4. Good lord!! ur a MAN now!!! has it really been that long???
