I agree wholly; fortunately for me i don't need that much coaxing to get me there. Lets get to that... what makes you trip?
here's my list:
1) Sugar. i cannot begin to tell you how good this stuff is :-D no i mean the regular eating sugar not the other stuff. Have teaspoonful on an empty growling stomach and watch it hit! It is crazy! Takes me 3 spoonfuls though!
2) chocolate and fizzy drinks. Okay don't laugh but its my trip i don't see why i cant have my little fun!
6 small Hershey's and that's alll I need. Well the fizzy stuff needs to be 2 liters down in under an hour but that's just crazy stuff.
3) Music. What can i say about this? Nothing really some good rock or trance is just enough to send you into some crazy zone. Mixed with a cocktail of exhaustion and sleep-deprivation and it IS KILLER! Personally i need some 1200 micrograms or astral projection or a nice list of old rock to get me going!
That's only my lil list whats yours? Let me know...